Sour Notes: A Novel

61,39 kr SEK

The haunting Sour Notes of an out of balance life

Days after high school graduation, Freddie McDougal was a pall bearer in his twin brother's funeral. As the town gathered to mourn the loss of popular, athletic Dean McDougal, Freddie slipped away to pursue his music. He vowed never to return.

Seventeen years later, he comes home for his father's last days. Navigating old friends, enemies, and family, he uncovers a horrible truth—what happened the night of Dean's automobile accident wasn't what he believed. Digging for the truth will disrupt the very core of Freddie's life.

Sour Notes is a novel of imperfect people in flawed families who must find a way to heal their wounds.

Publication Date: June 20, 2023

Format: E-book (EPUB, PDF) Delivered by BookFunnel

Pages: 232

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